i work for a living, what the fuck do you do?
an actual dog
i work for a living, what the fuck do you do?
it’s another typo, or do you not understand the concept?
yeah, but i do work
you donate your parent’s money
i’m tired, i made a typo, big woop dipshit
my party is meh tbh, but better than having no party at all, larper
i also do work with mutual aid orgs that, you know, actually help people, as opposed to sniffing their own farts about foreign policy they will never be in a position to materially impact in any way
not an anrachist, dipshit, but feel free to make shit up as much as you want
i don’t give a sit about being banned from the larper instance lmao
what, like 5% of you at most are in an org of any kind?
this ain’t hexbear motherfucker, i can continue bullying you as much as i want
until your mods take pity on you i guess
yes, because that’s all you deserve
you are a yankoid child that will inevitably cease to be a communist when your daddy gets you a job at lockheed-martin
i do not give the tiniest shit about what you think about anything
are you fucking high?
since when has the us imperial war machine gave the tiniest shit about what the people think?
and even if they did, the average american sees everyone outside of america as subhuman and worthy of scorn, you think they would oppose a war?
shut the fuck up
i’m literally trans you fucking shitbag
or do you not recognise the flag in my god damn avatar
i’m also poor as shit, but you don’t care about that do you?
it’s all fucking national essentialism to your kind
i will happily see every last one of you fillth put against the fucking wall
you’re a yankoid aren’t you? make do motherfucker
lmao, too real for you settler?
it’s 4am for me dipshit, you expect me to be organizing when everyone is asleep?
holy shit you fuckers are a complete joke
make a play at me being a furry next, that’ll play well with the reactionaries you’re deperate to tailism into joining our side
you really suck at this don’t you larper
go the fuck outside and do something with your life
shut the fuck up lol
everyone knows lemmygrad is white as fuck, that gotcha doesn’t work
suck your mum larper
i’m done with some yankee child
go join an org and do something with your life, i’m going to go sleep