Idk. Some kids in Enders game were able to do it
I know Imani Gandy is now posting on mastodon. She had an enormous following on Twitter.
Fuck, I remember my windows phone now. Live tiles are better than any modern phones ui.
Blasting preachers is a special sort of asshole behavior I never encountered or considered before. I bet they think they are saving souls.
I swear to god, please please please do not blast your fucking music, even if it is rad like ratm, on the walking trail. No one likes it and it makes you look like an asshole and I have to glare at you instead of giving you a friendly wave.
I hope they are ok. I haven’t heard about them in a lot time.
Also, contemplating orbs.
They are dropping it to focus on the important shit. Forcing bullshit genai stuff into their browser and working on adtech.
This must sound terrible. So high pitched
Idk, given that Israel is a settler colony ethnostate with one set of rules for Israelis and another rule for the people who are occupied. The people they are killing have lived there for generations… it seems like we are handing military gear over to the baddies. But that makes sense given that we are also a settler colony.
This is kind of redundant isn’t it? Every penguin I’ve ever known swears, smokes and drinks like a sailor. And I’ve never seen one dressed in clothes.
I get this feeling when thinking about playing Starsiege: Tribes back in the day. I spent hours and hours playing that game.
I always think of you when I hear this song, which is often because it is really good.
I don’t know if this argument is the winner you thought it was. A currency where people aren’t using it as a means of exchange because of price fluctuations is a failure.
I did delete it all and I’m very happy about it.
Wouldn’t that be classified as “investing” at least according to the government.
Surely the answer to this is to buy really short term options. Bad case is you lose all the money and get a billion. Good case is that you make even more money.
He could retort by saying that he was obeying gravity, but falling continuously towards the earth while traveling at a speed that kept him from hitting the ground.
This made me laugh so hard for some reason.