Honestly I’m gonna go against what people usually say and say that Arch is better to start with than Ubuntu, as long as you’re not afraid of command line or editing txt files. Whether it’s Arch or Ubuntu, as a noob you’re going to be doing a lot of wiki reading and copying and pasting of commands.
Personally though, a big difference between the two I found is that after a couple of years of copying and pasting commands in Ubuntu, I still didn’t really understand anything about how Linux works behind the scenes. Whereas Arch had me feeling like I too could be a sysadmin, if I felt like it, within a week.
And maybe things are different these days with Ubuntu, it’s been a few years, but I find that Arch has a way more enthusiastic and helpful user base. And the Arch wiki is practically a bible. Whereas searching for problems and solutions in Ubuntu can feel a bit like searching for problems and solutions in Windows, where you’ll probably get copy pasted generic solutions or someone telling you to restart your PC.
Show me where in real life are random individuals able to interrupt your conversations with friends and like-minded people without being told to fuck off or punched in the face? People like you keep peddling this idea that we’re all supposed to ‘meet in the middle’ at all times with bigots that think we don’t deserve human rights, or else we’re the bad ones. Fuck off, what does the ‘middle’ of respecting rights or not respecting rights even look like. And real life doesn’t fucking work like that anyway.
I would not hang out with inbred supremacist ‘alpha’ fucking idiots even if you paid me. And I would not welcome them into my home or my social circles. You’re free to speak but that doesn’t mean that I have to fucking listen.