Those ones we just refuse to acknowledge, corporations pay through the nose for attention, so don’t give it to them
I’ll have you know that there are several states that no longer practice slavery, thank you very much! XD
Memes and genes!
Spiders are the bugs I have a problem with XD
(Preemptive) Stow your prescriptivist semantics, pendants! Spiders are bugs because I say so
My cat is named Samwise 😊
Ahh, I thought it was saying you’d share the ride with a 95+, I’d really enjoy that XD
Driver, not so much
He is the Dragonborn!
Windows 10 is increasingly encouraging me to recommend other operating systems to friends and colleagues
I saw this and thought “Ha! No I don’t!” Then I thought about it for a second and had to check
Turns out I do, in fact, have a Windows partition. Haven’t used it in years, so I know what I’m doing today
Least convoluted factorio seablock recipe
That same Meta that performs emotional manipulation experiments on its users without informing them or receiving their consent? No, thank you!
From the research I’ve done, I think the most responsible diet would be a mostly plant-based one, but with the addition of chicken eggs from a responsible source, along with a basic mineral supplement for calcium/iron
That being said, a lot of people (myself included) eat far more animal products, particularly meat, than needed
There are a number of factors at play there, including government subsidies for feed crops and meat production artificially driving up its availability
Humans are omnivores, and have been for the lifespan of our species
There are a number of important nutrients that humans get from animal products that are difficult to get from plant-based sources, including vitamin B12, which is not present in land-based plant species (I’m not sure whether red algae counts as a plant, so I’m playing it safe with land-based)
I bite my baby even when he’s not in a food-shaped costume, he loves it!