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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The consumer-side AI that a handful of multi-billion-dollar companies keep peddling to us is just a way for them to attempt to justify AI to us. Otherwise, it consumes MASSIVE amounts of our energy capacities and is primarily being used in ways that harm us.

    And, of course, there’s nothing they direct at us that isn’t ultimately (and solely) for their benefit–our every use of their AI helps train their models, and eventually it will simply be groups of billionaires competing against one another to form the most powerful model that allows them to dominate us and their competitors.

    As long as this technology remains determined by those whose entire existence is organized around domination, it will be a sum harm to all of us. We’d have to free it from their grips to make it meaningful in our daily lives.

  • clonedhuman@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHiring is broken
    2 days ago

    The fact that the majority of us are essentially forced to participate in the capitalist market means that we will always be at the mercy of greasy, compliant, ass-sucking ‘bosses.’

    We don’t have any freedom with work unless we have the freedom not to work.

  • I like this judge.

    These moral panics are fodder for political primates in the Conservative party. When the Reagan Administration dominated the airwaves in the 1980s and started all this Christian Doomerism, the major media really sucked off the Reaganite platform.

    I’d guess most of y’all are too young to remember the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Reagan worshippers were convinced that there was a nationwide secret Satanic plot to abuse and kill children taking place in basements and secret locations all over the U.S. There were only a few major media formats (CBS, NBC, and ABC mostly) and they all reported constantly on these secret Satanists and how they were hiding secret messages in music, invading the brains of children through Dungeons & Dragons, and abusing children in secret rituals. The Satanic Panic got endless news coverage, and good Conservative Christians everywhere were constantly vigilant against all the secret Satanism in their midst. They picketed school boards, scanned their children’s media consumption for secret subliminal Satanic penises (seriously), and so on.

    And here’s the kicker … NONE of it was real. Hours of news coverage, daytime talk show discussions, pages upon pages of ink in major newspapers, and NOT ONE OUNCE of it had any actual evidence behind it.

    This was the beginning of the political/media landscape we’re all trapped in now. The gameplan never changed.

    p.s. and this was of course all topped off by major media news coverage that referred to AIDS as ‘gay cancer’ repeatedly, all in line with the anti-gay dictates of Reagan himself repeating that the U.S. was going to turn into Sodom & Gomorrah because of all the gayness hiding in suburban closets.

  • That’s cool! My grandmother was similar–discovered email in her early 80s and loved it, got herself a printer to print out letters to send to people. Last I saw her before she died, she asked me to help set up her phone so she could answer emails on it.

    She loved getting emails from people too. It made me remember how exciting that stuff was when I first started using it and it still felt like a great, new thing to make it easier to connect with folks and explore the world.

  • I set up my mom on Microsoft Outlook many years ago, back when you had to set the server and so on.

    She called me a few days later and said her email wasn’t working, so I walked her through looking at the options, making sure the right addresses and preferences were checked, etc.

    After about 45 minutes, I remembered that I already set everything up correctly and it was working. Then I decided to ask, “are you typing the @ symbol, or are you typing the word at in the email address?”


  • Yeah. With power distributed the way it is now though (mostly concentrated in the hands of a small number of wealthy, connected people), every technological advance will be used against us. These technological advances could really make for a better life for everyone, but not when they’re absolutely dominated by entities whose only real objective is taking as much from us as they possibly can.

  • Anyone with any power or any product is going to milk every single penny they can out of every single interaction they have. There are no ethics in business. No one cares about your privacy, and they only care about laws if they think they’ll lose money by breaking them. Otherwise, these laws don’t exist for them because they get in the way of more money.

    We’re a world where the biggest fucking cunts also have the biggest market share of our culture.