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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You are still avoiding the point.

    I’m strictly talking about voting. i.e. what checkbox you choose at the ballot box. No other considerations right now.

    What an absolutely stupid way to think about voting.

    At the ballot box you have more then 2 choices.

    I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but you live in a flawed democracy. Only two of those checkboxes actually matter in reality. One of those two is going to win. And the Republicans are going to turn out and vote for their guy.

    So you can stamp your feet as much as you like. You can throw your little tantrum and hurl your petty accusations. It means NOTHING.

    Address the criticisms of your view, or shut up.

  • You don’t understand first past the post voting.

    No, you don’t understand FPTP voting.

    Obviously the two parties can change. But you are already in a situation where the system has collapsed into two stable parties.

    So voting for a third party is going to guarantee a victory for the party you like least, because of the spoiler effect.

    And with how incumbent both the Democrats and the Republicans are, and given how the Democrats actually do have a stable core voter-base who would not follow leftists over to a progressive party, you aren’t actually going to dislodge the Democrats within a reasonable amount of time. You would be guaranteeing that the Republicans win the next 3-4 cycles at least, with zero contest. And those losses would lead to the progressive party losing votes back to the larger Democratic party, extending the difficult transition period.

    That’s why third parties are basically impossible. It requires an electorate to be willing to militantly vote to lose to the fascistic party for over a decade before there is even the possibility of replacing the incumbent neoliberal party.

    Your only hope is forcing voting reform. Which… I mean good luck.

  • Because the picture of the “gayroller 2000” is very obvious satire from the known-satire comic The Oatmeal, originally posted to satirise conservatives’ baseless fears of “the gay agenda”. Seeing a pattern?

    On the other hand, there a pattern of hostility, hatred, and violence from conservatives towards LGBT people. This pattern is both historical and contemporary, and currently it is absurdly common for LGBT people to be called “groomers” and be accused of being dangerous to children.

    Gay people obviously do not want to run over straight people with a steamroller. On the other hand, the people posting wood chipper memes… Some of them would, and have, followed through.