• 34 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2022


  • Project: Joplin joplinapp.org [email protected]

    What it does right: Focus on user experience by aligning aims of product with aim of users.

    Everything it does is foss, however its main revenue achieving product (cloud sync target) is focused on convenience rather than vendor lock-in. So it incentivizes the project to cater to its users.

    What’s so unique about it: due to lack of monetary incentive a lot of oss projects simply forget about the user and serve mostly to themselves. They fail to listen to feedback because listening to feedback means loss of resources rather than gaining them. As a result many critical bugs are unfixed for decades and UI is so dated no new users want to use the product.

    TLDR: don’t forget to create revenue generating module along with the main foss product

  • Firstly, I totally understand people who find reposts annoying and I have blocked few of those because they’re simply irrelevant to me

    lemmit online / hackernews reposts

    • those help drive inspiration for post making: I can snatch best ideas and post my own version on lemmy
      It’s especially helpful when you’re maintaining inactive community where you’re the only poster – since inactive subs are seen as dead ones.
    • not my use case, but I see those instances as ability to combat FOMO for the users who just switched over to lemmy and getting used to its quirks. No need to snoop to reddit if its content is in your feed either way
      • mastodon got almost a dozen of such repost instances from twitter and it’s enormous bonus in transition from birdsite
    • if you see lemmit online posts then someone on your instance wants this content/subscribed to it – it doesn’t appear out of nowhere
    controversial opinion

    tbh I wish each lemmy sub would have its own bot to post content stolen from other places of internet. Almost all popular websites have ones and they do bring large audiences. Be it just memes, science news or animal photos: people stick with a website because they can regularly get their dopamine hit. “Normal people” i.e. lurkers usually don’t care about post originality. People simply want enough good quality content

    QoL bots

    • tldr bots are generally helpful for long reads\vids and I wish they would be available as option on post creation page
    • bots for linking to invidious instances / archive.ph nonpaywalled articles: just saves time

    P.S. as a bonus here’s a page about bots that wikipedia uses to streamline and automate work Wikipedia bots - Wikipedia

  • User of those bots here:

    I think this whole problem stems from the lack of tools to configure bot experience. On mastodon, for example, bots can post “unlisted” posts – which don’t show up in the main feed. Only subscribed people receive their posts. On Lemmy there’s no such privacy toggle and admins are forced to shoot a fly with cruise missiles – by defederating instances

    I’d understand if you folks decide to defederate from bot instances however I’d urge you to escalate this discussion upstream to LemmyNet github for following features

    • post privacy i.e. intended reach
    • moderation tools to handle bots activity en masse

    This would be far more lasting impact on quality of global fediverse feed and efficient use of admins’ time IMO