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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yes, but look at bud light. Boycotts can be hugely damaging. If people start boycotting Intel, Dell HP and other suppliers will happily offer amd instead. Similarly, companies with policies of not buying from suppliers with slave labour or supporting genocide may decide Intel falls in that category now. They do it as a PR exercise but ultimately it’s consumer sentiment that drives it.

    Intel will need to decide if the sweetener is worth the risk. From war interrupting supply. From boycotts. From brand damage.

  • Lol, what taxes do you think the lemmy 8mstance would be paying? Ireland is not a tax haven and hasn’t been for quite a while. It does have a moderately low, but non zero, company tax rate, but that’s like saying Texas is a tax haven as their income tax is not the same as California.

    Ireland has a well educated young workforce and is in the eu with ties to the USA and speaks English. It’s not odd that tech companies are there. It’s not shell companies there, it’s tech hubs.