Pssh - that’s not his comment, Dude.
Pssh - that’s not his comment, Dude.
Well. That’s just, like, yadda yadda man.
*sigh*. Well, that was a real nice classic episode we had, once.
You don’t go out looking for a good community dressed like that, do you? On a weekday?
Shock jocks don’t typically include research though, or extensive background information, or very detailed descriptions.
Are there any shock jocks still out there? Who listens to drive time radio?
It’s interesting to think how deep they’ve sunk into AI such that it may support the “growth mindset” psychobabble and that it may hose them for years.
Not that they won’t be able to weather it, just that it’ll take a bite out of them which was totally avoidable.
It’d be nice if this was all over corporate news instead of just propublica.
But I think we know why it’s not.
Looooorrrd Palmerston!
Man, quantum computers has been about-to-break-encryption since the 90s. The hype never ends, just a new crop of people first hear it then figure out it’s bullshit.
As soon as I read that, years ago, I thought “Well Dropbox. That was a very poor choice.”
I haven’t considered it since.
“You can use it with Dropbox!” they say.
Yeah, nah.
Was Condi Rice one of them?
Guys, guys - settle down, Pooty Poot just took them off the terrorist list, they’re fiiiiine.
It’s probably just a joke, bro!
It is pretty neat. Plus the kind of music-box music in the background is . . somehow appropriate for floating in space.
The only one I really liked. It was fun - cartoonish, goofy, wacky - fun.
Welp. Can’t defend that.
I suppose that’s a little like working to save the earth and working for big oil. Yes, one could do both but . . why?
we can think of it as a person who can think quickly
Do not do this. This way lies madness. It’s a text prediction system which is incredibly complex just to get it to barf out three sentences that sound about right. It is not “thinking” shit.
TFW you continue fucking around with Windows rather than learn Linux
I’ll check with the boys down at the crime lab!
They got us working in shifts! Hahahahaha!