I’m a communist 😈


  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Ugh I swear China train reporting is of the lowest quality… What does “full-size superconducting test run” as mentioend in the CGTN article found in the linked video description mean? The video shows a train car the size of an automobile. Is that what they mean? But how is it the “first” test run when SCMaglev in Shanghai uses superconductors and has been operating for two decades? How long is the test track? How does it compare to startups in the rest of the world? Is this “full-size superconducting test run” also a low-vacuum test? What speeds is this “full-size superconducting test run” going to achieve? Because 99% of reporting on vactrains cover test runs that do not achieve the advertised speeds. What is the name of this research team? Is it the World Artery that this article mentions, or are they unrelated? What is their relation to rail companies and government organizations? Basically, is this being taken seriously or is it just hype like in America? Also, “The new project experimental”?? “The new train is specter to be”?? Does Travel Tomorrow force their journalists to write an article in 20 minutes or something?? Bottom of the barrel reporting, guys!!

    edit: holy smokes everyone I am just as bad as these guys - I got the Japanese SCMaglev and the German-Chinese Shanghai Transrapid confused. SCMaglev users superconductors in their electrodynamic suspension system. I don’t think the Transrapid uses them in their electromagnetic suspension system.

  • This is completely ridiculous.

    In Minecraft, the immersive game owned by Microsoft, Russian players re-enacted the battle for Soledar, a city in Ukraine that Russian forces captured in January, posting a video of the game on their country’s most popular social media network, VKontakte.

    These authors clearly know nothing about Minecraft. Wow, some nationalists re-enacted a battle on their private Minecraft server. Woe is the world! All of Minecraft has been infected by Russian dezinformatsiya!

    A channel on the Russian version of World of Tanks, a multiplayer warfare game, commemorated the 78th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in May with a recreation of the Soviet Union’s parade of tanks in Moscow in 1945. On Roblox, the popular gaming platform, a user created an array of Interior Ministry forces in June to celebrate the national holiday, Russia Day.

    Defeating the Nazis is good, actually. And commemorating that is also good, actually.

    Yes, we live in the Information Age. We’ve been living in it for decades now, NYT. Nationalist zealots are going to post. They’re going to make reactionary content. It’s nothing new.

  • A good question is “with what rocket?”

    Probably Yenisei which unfortunately had its development paused.

    A factor in this crash is that they lack a round-the-world comm system.

    They’ve had this with GLONASS for over a decade. For far-side communications, you need a single relay satellite like what China used for Chang’e-4. However, you don’t actually need either of those for many lunar missions. When the Americans sent humans to the moon, they just used radio waves that were picked up from various ground stations across the world.