Doesnt help any of us that the democratic party’s geriatric make-a-wish foundation leadership is actively trying to make the party more right leaning to win back the donors they lost after pushing kamala because they think she was “too left”
Igor Forgor
Doesnt help any of us that the democratic party’s geriatric make-a-wish foundation leadership is actively trying to make the party more right leaning to win back the donors they lost after pushing kamala because they think she was “too left”
Vaccinations against these diseases can also decrease in affectiveness with age. Its not often done, but a titer can be done to see if you are still immune. I got one when switching to a new doctor and found I was no longer immune to measles and had to get the vaccination.
deleted by creator
All resigning does is give them a greater margin to win votes by. We have several chances to win a tie or majority in the house and senate
Three house seats are up for special elections, two in florida and one in NY. If they all elect democrats, there will be a tie in the houde and any bill can be blocked.
Senate votes can be held without all members present, so making sure all democrat congress members always show up and always vote gives a good chance of blocking some bills
Also in 2026 will be the midterm and we can vote republican congressmembers out, as they only have a majority and not a supermajority.
Also comes to mind: grapefruit method
Unfortunately he has a gaggle of hitler youth in tow doing his bidding for him
*will be used for
Usually this can happen when you are owed money by an institution (bank, insurance, stocks, etc) and you either dont claim it, dont get the check, forget about it, or it happens outside of your knowledge (e.g. grandparents set up an account). In the US, you can usually check with your state’s Comptroller’s office. For example, NY has unclaimed funds under the office of the New York state comptroller
I’d reccomend going directly to the state .gov website and looking there or making sure you have the state website if following a link. They will let you search by name for unclaimed accounts, and then after choosing the one you want to claim, it will ask for ssn, dob and name, etc. If they can verify that information, you get a check in the mail. Ive gotten a few hundred from old insurance that probably settled some account after I’d switched.
Because theyre a domain registrar, its not the same process for them. They can essentially pay pennies on the dollar to hold them for several months-a year. I’m not sure if they get it back like a deposit, but it costs them almost nothing. You can complain to WIPO but you might have difficulty getting anywhere without suing and showing something trademark infringement (with a registered trademark)
There are things they do that are beyond that, like if you look up a domain on their website to see if its available and it is, theyll essentially register it for cheap and then hold onto it so you can only buy it from them at an upcharged price, and even if you go to another registrar thats cheaper, you cant register it because they already own it
So this is that hate speech you wanted to be allowed
Seems like he does get banned frequently by mods, given he has like 10 accounts created on a number of servers in the past few months
Maybe they saw this dude
I get at least one a day over text just saying “hello”
Have since started reporing as spam and blocking ever single one
Theres a crappy table that looks like an ad in the middle and only shows like 3 at a time across 16 pages
Those parts are not paralleled. They could be switches so that each rear / front I/O jack can be used as a microphone or speaker, so if youre lucky it could just be the one that lets you configure a speaker output as a microphone input
Well i have them tagged as a zionist troll already, so he gets the block