Apparently someone already did with this extension:
Apparently someone already did with this extension:
Moi aussi. I am le tired.
founded the EFF
*helped found. He provided some initial funding and served on the board, but he wasn’t a founder.
There’s the “master” branch in git, often named “main” now. In distributed systems, there’s often “master” and “slave” nodes, often named “primary” and “follower”/“replica” now
What’s that, like, 38 MPH? (62 KPH for the rest of the world?)
Lower Decks!
Or it’s the government propping up Big Dairy
Shopify is built on Ruby on Rails
Rule of Acquisition #10: Greed is eternal.
Definitely thought this was talking about a subreddit and I got real confused there for a minute 😅
Thank you for bringing us Prodigy in the first place! It such a great show and I’m so glad to hear it find a new home. Keep up the great work!
How much could a banana cost? Like, $10?
Surprised I got 16/20
I think it often does this when you have an alarm set. It doesn’t want to update, then break and have you sleep through whatever time you set to wake up
I think by the time appeared T’Lyn in wej Duj, they had already produced most/all of Season 3, and didn’t realize how much of a hit she would be. And then there wasn’t an opportunity to go back and add her in. I think they had just enough time/room to add her to the end of S3E10
(Invented in 1988)