The arrangement of the music in the restaurant felt more TMP than TNG.
The arrangement of the music in the restaurant felt more TMP than TNG.
Yeah, it translates them so closely that phasers act like depth charges and there’s one part where both crews are trying to be quiet for some reason. It’s a a brilliant episode, but that part was really jarring on my last rewatch with a friend.
My oldest niece is 9. Last year I said something about Star Trek and she said, “Star Trek is awful.” I really need to ask what trek she’s seen and why she thinks it’s awful. She doesn’t seem to be a sci-fi fan, but that’s the only comment I’ve ever heard about Star Trek from someone her age. I’m very curious now.
This seems more apparent with Star Wars. As a child of the 80s I always preferred the original trilogy, but kids who grew up ~10 years after me seem to prefer the prequels. Do even younger kids prefer the new trilogy that most of us seem to dislike? I need to ask some of them.
Anyway, Prodigy is pretty great. I’m disappointed more people didn’t give it a chance to start with. I’ll readily admit I’m not a fan of Discovery and Picard, but I watched them all the way through, hoping for improvement, and at least have a good idea why I don’t like them. I think it’s worth trying anything that tries to be Star Trek.
CBS killed it, but some (all?) of them are working with OTOY and the Roddenberry Archive now. They had a site up a few months ago where you could walk around the bridge of nearly every iteration of every Enterprise. There were about 30 of them, including speculative designs for some early concepts for the Enterprise.
They haven’t said anything about making a full-scale Ent-D yet, but several of their videos on YouTube show glimpses of a full-scale 1701 refit.
Yeah, the part that puzzled Geordi was the transporter was able to hold a pattern for nearly 80 years. SNW shows M’Benga had to pull his daughter out periodically to keep her pattern from degrading.
Musicals aren’t my favourite thing, but sometimes they’re awesome. If any Trek can pull off musical it’s SNW.
I hope it gives everyone something to do. Most of the time Star Trek is best when it’s an ensemble show. This is one of the reasons episodes like Cause and Effect are my favourites: everyone works to solve a problem. That’s the future, or at least the work environment I want.
Modern TV is so expensive to make that a flashy show like SNW is doing well if it can average ten episodes per year. On that basis alone I want them to do new stories. I wish they would lean a little less on TOS sometimes too. Maybe then they’d have time to write some scenes for Ortegas.
Picking out all the continuity issues in season one of TOS makes a fun drinking game. Balance of Terror also had the crews of both ships whispering like they were worried they could hear each other. lol
Some of the continuity changes, especially to the characters, feel like improvements to me. Chapel and T’Pring are far more interesting in SNW. They don’t just feel like walking tropes as they usually did in TOS.
Speaking of design, I like what they did with the sound in DIS and SNW. They hail someone and it starts with the TOS sound and ends with the TNG sound. They have lots of sounds blended from the different eras and it works surprisingly well.
LOL I’m stealing this to use as my IRL description of those films. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is.