'M' as in 'MANCY'

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Sorry but awful episode. The writing for Sylvie has completely deteriorated and Jonathan Majors, who normally is a very good actor, was a total misfire. I understand that he’s portraying a variant thus different mannerisms, but this was just too much and too deliberate. I honestly hated every single moment of this episode and I’m losing interest fast. The more questions they introduce without answers the less I care.

  • Wow. This was…bad. Visually stunning but that’s about it. Screenplay was trite and inept. John David Washington was awful. It’s quite frustrating because it could’ve been something more. The production design was so gorgeous and I generally enjoyed the world building. It’s the lack of any character development and the clunky screenplay that’s really dragging this down. What a disappointment.

    Also, go home Hans Zimmer. That score was so heavy-handed, it drove me fucking crazy.

  • I’m not arguing with anybody else in the thread so clearly I’m fine with men taking part in discussion here.

    I’ve seen the movie but once again, thanks for assuming that I don’t know or understand anything.

    I simply disagree with your assertion that feminism leaves men behind because frankly that’s a very patriarchal way of looking at women’s rights. For once, it’s not about you (men).

    Then you follow up with that gem of women not being ready. Give me a fucking break.

    Then again, reading your post out loud to my girlfriends at gasp! girls night in gave us a big laugh. So…thanks?

  • Your post took an entirely feminist issue and made it about men again.

    “Did feminism leave men behind” is something that only men would ponder about.

    “I wonder if women are ready” is another can of condescending mess. Women are put in this box of patriarchy BY MEN, so instead of taking away the box and recognizing that it shouldn’t be there in the first place, you ask if women are ready to come out of it. We’re not children that you put in a timeout corner.

    You ARE Ken. In a sanctuary for Barbies, you find some rhetoric to latch onto and try to make it about your plight too.