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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I love how people here try to put this in practical terms like “when you need to pay something 100 is better”. It’s infinite. Infinite. The whole universe is covered in bills. We all would probably be dead by suffocation. It makes no sense to try to think about the practicality of it. Infinite is infinite, they are the same amount of money, that’s all.

  • I don’t understand why people absolutely need to make everything about man vs woman.

    If it was a male model those people would have written exactly the same. If tomorrow comes out an article saying the same thing about bred pitt everyone would be suspicious about that being fake too

    Since the two jobs are so disconnected from each other it sounds unlikely and they assumed it was some clickbait fake post, that’s all.

    I’m absolutely for equality and against any discrimination against women or any other category, but making this into a gender battle is ridiculous