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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’ll start by saying I agree with all your points. And I wasn’t able to find info about the median height, but the average height of American men is actually 5’9. Which including women would bring it down quite a bit. That said, as a 5’7 shorty, I hate the small space in seats. Based on your post I’m guessing your height is around 6’2" (I must know if I’m close!), so you truly have my sympathy sitting in those sardine can aluminum tubes.

  • If you ever do digitize it, or even going forward for other recipes you use, I recommend checking out the recipe app Paprika 3. I’ve been using it for years now and love it. It even bypasses pay walls on recipe sites like NYT cooking when downloading. Enter the url in the browser section, and hit download regardless of the paywalls I’ve encountered so far. I put cocktail recipes in there too.

  • Ok, yeah, forget the paper as far as regular leveling goes with the cr touch. Have you tried confirming your z offset since you changed the nozzle? If you haven’t, it should be fine every time you do something to the hotend.

    Also make sure your heat block isn’t stripped out. I had a bitch of a time printing for a while only to discover I had overtightened my middle and stripped out the threads in the heat block. After I replaced it I had consistent good prints again.

  • Is there a way you can confirm your bed or nozzle temps? I know for the nozzle that’s a really difficult thing to do, it’s so small to be able to check with anything.

    I ask because with your unexpected crash the other day from your post history, I wonder if your main board has glitched.

    A 90c bed shouldn’t melt petg I’d think, so something is definitely weird there.

    Might be worth trying to reflash your firmware in case the glitch isn’t hardware.

    What other mods have you done to your printer besides spring spacers?

    When you level the bed, is it manually and with a piece of paper to help gauge the distance?

    These things have so many places something can go off that it’s really difficult to help troubleshoot without being there. Hopefully something in this post helps you out.