I vote for this to become official.
I vote for this to become official.
What’s the opposite of eating the onion? I read your comment and scoffed, wondering who could actually believe this. The I saw the “Not” in the comm name.
I don’t think I’ve ever been that optimistic in my life.
It’s not too heavy. That’s “premium feel and materials.”
The Clone Wars might have started out for a younger audience (I would say more all ages, it wasn’t too kiddy) but it started to have episodes that were pretty heavy after a while. Also, the transformation from “snips” to who Ahsoka is now is one of the best examples of character growth I can think of. Back when it came out if you had told me that annoying little shit would become one of my favorite characters in the entire eu, I never would have believed it.
And on a general note, the eu has always had better stories than the movies anyway.
Shut the fuck up! Now Vader, he’s a spiritual brother, with the force and all that shit. Then this cracker Skywalker gets his hands on a lightsaber, and the boy decides he’s goinna run the fucking universe - gets a whole Klan of whites together, and they’re gonna bust up Vader’s 'hood - the Death Star. Now what the fuck do you call that?
The footprints of chargers and gas stations aren’t the same though. A lot of places I go have a row of 8-10 spots with chargers. No added footprint really, just installed at the front of the spot. Compare that to an 8-10 pump gas station, even without a convenience store. If you removed a gas station and replaced it with rows of spaces with chargers I think you’d get more cars through over a given period of time.
Normally you’re right. It seems like every day there is a new revolutionary battery tech with no real estimate when it’ll ever be in use. But in this case, according to the article, deliveries will start next month which means they’re already in production.
But there is a penalty for littering. Some people might refrain from littering not because it’s the right thing to do, but because they don’t want a fine.
The lack of repercussions for being a scumbag and abandoning your cart is what makes it a good test.
I never saw Maul as a real apprentice initiated into the mysteries of the sith, just someone trained to fight with the force, although Maul may have thought he was an apprentice. Dooku got the real sith training, hence the force lightning.
All those inquisitors running around at other times aren’t sith, just force sensitive enforcers.
The heritage foundation has a plan. Why come up with your own when someone has already done the work for you?