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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • As a gym rat and bicyclist i was having health issues. No drugs or alcohol. Lots of supplements.

    I went oxalate free on a zero carb diet for several years and it fixed my auto immune disorder. I lost 30 pounds of muscle in the process because of a loss in appetite. I slowly readded foods into my diet. Turned out that I couldn’t handle salicylates in large amounts. It’s in most plants as well. 3% of the population shares my intolerance. We can’t eat spices or herbs.

    All humans have individual variances in our ability to process plant toxins. There’s a reason why some people are more prone to kidney stones than others. It doesn’t mean someone is unhealthy.

  • I appreciate your informed response but no system other than advertising-abstinence is fool proof.

    Im saying this as a supporter. My browser of choice is firefox and I send them money regularly. And I understand their need to generate more revenue. But there has never been a company who has sold customer data discretely. My understanding is that every piece of data that’s sold can be de anonymized when combined with other data sets. And the data is horsetraded until it gets into some very marginal actors’ hands.

    Mozilla’s need for money is largely driven by massive mismanagement. It should have been fully funded in perpetuity through establishing a foundation that operates off interest payments but they decided to try and build a headquarters in Mountainview. They also operate offices in some of the most expensive cities in the world. They have made expensive software aquisitions. These are not necessary and have only whetted mozilla’s thirst for other revenue sources. It’s guaranteed that they will look for more customer data to sell because that’s the path of least resistance.

    I wish them luck but I also wish they’d not chase advertising money.