I yearn for the day when this lighting fad dies…my case has no plexiglass yet my ram motherboard and video card has lights…I’m surprised Intel doesn’t have LEDs on their processors yet …
I yearn for the day when this lighting fad dies…my case has no plexiglass yet my ram motherboard and video card has lights…I’m surprised Intel doesn’t have LEDs on their processors yet …
good one just did it…
I sell the same product on both Amazon and eBay and the latter is much better with more flexibility…only keep it on amazon cause its a book and amazon is slightly better at advertising for that…
In addition to florida man, they now have florida woman…
I started with next generation and although there were some wrecking in that, i didnt remember it being that bad…its been a while htough…
Yes i realize that it gives them time to basically run away or end up like the other ship in lil pieces floating in space…basically have to rely on some type of trick to win…kevlar vest also doesnt let the bullet wreck your organs, did you not see the people getting tossed around inside the hsip?
Just brought me back to Picard S03 where the Titan, one of their more powerful ships btw, getting folded by some pirate ship with a portal weapon…sigh…
Just watched this and my biggest gripe with Star Trek will always be that the federation ships are just way too weak. Yes they aren’t supposed to be a battle force, but any moderately powerful enemy and they are toast…at least they had that special crate of better weapons, but why not just make that the norm? Finally, what good are the force fields if everything inside of the ship is getting wrecked with each hit? And send more friggin ships…
I keep it in case i have to sell it as it has more value with the box. Same goes with collectibles and such…
If you use google maps and you get their monthly “look at all the places you went last month” emails, this is already happening…not sure if you can opt out of the tracking but that would be a good start…
Someone needs to just prove this and jump in to fight the bear…
I got fiber in a my rural small town and funny enough i have more choices here compared to when i was living in a large city and only had one choice…
When youre dropping 50-70K per vehicle, an extra 10k 15-20 years down the line isn’t really a big deal. Also the average life of a vehicle is around 12 years. Most of these people will be on to their 2nd or 3rd electric car by then or whatever propulsion is popular at that time…