Sad, I kinda thought that being a ska person was antithetical to being racist, but assholes are everywhere I guess.
Oh dang, I haven’t kept up. I just thought, “Not great at carrying golf equipment.”
Do Doubt
Skreetlight Manifesto
Mighty Mighty Bosstoner
Same Ferris
Bad Caddies
Operation Ivf
I’m on Ironwolf now
Edit: It’s Ironfox, I got that and Librewolf confused in my brain thingy
Spelunky or something, I’ve never played it
You’re naming them out of the stuff that specifically isn’t space!
Separate partitions for / and /home, save all your data, configs, etc. but you can still distrohop!
Most people don’t know this, but speed bumps are actually hollow. They use a balloon to make the shape, then pour a thin layer of asphalt over it for aesthetic reasons. This saves money on asphalt, which is popular with city councils, so the asphalt is typically saved for more speed bumps rather than filling potholes.
I have it alised to orphankiller
Yeah that’s my general go-to, just wondering if I could be doing better and these were some S-tier jokers that I’d completely overlooked because they don’t seem great at first glance. Glad to know I’m doing okay!
But fr, would it be? Have I been sleeping on Photograph and Hanging Chad?
You are absolutely correct, I apologize.
I use DarkReader on Librewolf, works just fine. In fact, all of my extensions work.
Mull browser is deprecated, Ironfox is the community fork
Oops, they forgot. GIMP 3.0 now set for release in 2028!
Of course he does, he’s a spider
To be fair to Motörhead, they were drinking some beer that had umalats in the name, and just thought they looked cool, so they threw them in. The band had no idea that umalats denoted a difference in pronunciation.
Interesting, I’ll keep that in mind for if I go for a RAID setup, but for now it’s just my one drive on BTRFS, the other one is ext4.
Be the reason the Hazmat Compliance team has to get involved