Numbers from my instance, running for about a 1 year and with average ~2 MAU. According to some quick db queries there is currently 580 actively subscribed communities (it was probably a lot less before I used the subscribe bot to populate the All tab).
SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size('lemmy') )
: 17 GB
Backblaze B2 (S3) reports average 22.5 GB stored. With everything capped to max 1 USD, I pay cents - no idea how backblaze does it but it’s really super cheap, except for some specific transactions done on the bucket afaik, which pictrs does not seem to do.
According to my zabbix monitoring, two months ago (I don’t keep longer stats) the DB had only about 14G of data, so with this much communities I am getting about 1.5G per month (it’s probably a bit more as I was recently prunning stuff from some dead instances).
Prometheus says whole lemmy service (I use traefik) is getting within about 5 req/s (1m average) though if I go lower it does spike a lot, up to 12 requests within a second then nothing for few.
Attach it to the VM
Is this possible only with the extra, bought storage boxes ? Or is this possible even with the free 100G backup boxes offered with each dedicated machine ? (Or is this just nfs mount?)
We have a dedicated machine in a project from Hetzner with big raided hard disks but the latency is starting creep up on us, moving some of the data off to the faster ssd/san boxes would be rather helpful.
Edit: I’ve reread your post, you are trying to run non-steam games through steam & proton right?
Did you move/symlink compdata out of the NTFS disk?
I use ntfs3 (not ntfs-3g driver) with uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000,rw,user,exec,nofail,nocase,windows_names
flags and after moving compada out (see the github link) it kind of just works.
Also what is your HW? If you have a laptop with extra dedicated gpu or have PC with cpu with integrated graphics and extra GPU card the games might be trying to run on the wrong GPU.
When is an int not 32bits nowadays
C standard does not actually define the exact sizes of long/int and so on, it’s just what is now most popular (it does have some limitations and requirements on these types though)
Graphical applications should definitely do this, it’s rather easy to hit delete accidentally but in CLI? I wanna see a cat type rm
and some valid parameters, so if the user typed the whole command out it should probably do just the one exact (destructive) thing.
Run your ip through ip abuse databases to make sure there is nothing wrong perceived from outside.
Guessing this is the one
It hasn’t released yet it seems, october 8. Though HBO does not seem to claim any of the above, I smell another flop.
There is a youtuber for that!
Asianometry has a lot of “documentary”-style videos about microchips, civil engineering and histories of interesting industries (Zweis lenses, ASML, so on).
I’ve once tried WinBTRFS and on top of not making it work I still have leftover drivers that can’t be deleted.
I just use ntfs3 and ever since tweaking steam so that it does not put proton compatdata on it I didn’t have to reboot and run chkdsk for months now.
Wohoo time to hack this old phone of mine. (for the interested, I’ve found CVE-2024-31317 which is easier but should get only system user/uid 1000)
For half a moment, that shared nothingness created something new, but then they came and chopped it off into small, blend, mouth sized pieces that never make you full.
Unpopular opinion?: without wordpress, mysql/mariadb would have died years ago.
EU should not care about non-EU companies
Uh probably not that helpful but I am somewhat sure that this was super easy to do from virt-manager (on Arch qemu & kvm, virtualizing Tiny11 )
So the lower-ish difficulty answer would be to run the iso installer in a VM with the usb stick forwarded to that VM.
Or you can learn what those fancy installers do: on debian you would use debootstrap
Here seems the whole guide on how to install debian manually with it:
Btw, this is also basically how you install Arch. As of until recently there wasn’t any installer and you had to go through each step manually (create partitions and fs, install the base system with <insert distro specific tool>, chroot, update fstab, distro specific finishing touches, voilà)
/sbin are system binaries, eg root only stuff, dunno the rest but I would guess there are some historical reasons for the bin usr/bin separation
Afaik you can self-host the Renovate bot, though don’t remember if it’s fully open source & self-contained.
How did you install jellyfin?
It should not core-dump (read: hard crash, something has gone terribly wrong), at best you should get a configuration error and errors like that.
You can see the logs of any systemd service/unit with this: journalctl -u <name of sevice>
so in this case journalctl -u jellyfin
(Tip: add -f
to follow the output of a running service - useful for monitoring).
Note that some programs log to their own files (and not to stdout) so if the above command comes out empty you should look into /var/log/
Maybe that LTT linux challenge?