Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, stoic, democratic socialist

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • There are plenty of good resources online. Here are some topics you probably wouldn’t see in an intro algos course (which I’ve actually used in my career). And I highly recommend finding the motivation for each of these in application rather than just learning them abstractly.

    • bloom filter
    • btree
    • b+ tree
    • consensus algos (PAXOS, RAFT, VSR, etc)
    • error correction codes (Hamming, Reed Solomon, etc)
    • garbage collection (mark+sweep, generational, etc)
    • generational arena allocator
    • lease (i.e. distributed lock)
    • log-structured merge trees
    • min-cost + max-flow
    • request caching and coalescing
    • reservoir sampling
    • spatial partition (BVH, kd-tree, etc)
    • trie
    • write-ahead log

  • I’m not in the market, but I’ve actually had similar thoughts of building a project on top of NixOS that’s focused on self-hosting for homes and small businesses. I recently deployed my own router/server on a BeeLink mini PC and instead of using something like OpenWRT, I used NixOS, systemd-networkd, nftables, etc.

    DM me if you want to discuss more. I think the idea has potential and I might be interested in helping if you can get the business model right (even if it just ends up being some FOSS thing).

  • I think Kodi is a good choice, but not really sufficient for everything you might want to do IMO.

    You could also look into KDE Plasma Bigscreen. It’s still pretty rough around the edges, but I think it aims to do what you want.

    I am actually thinking about building something similar with different tech, as I’m not satisfied with any of the existing options. I really want something that’s primarily controlled via a mobile Web interface like the Kore app for Kodi.