Still, I’m hoping for a supply glut and they have to sell at a discount to move their inventory.
Still, I’m hoping for a supply glut and they have to sell at a discount to move their inventory.
Soooo, when will all this anti-US consumerist movement result in those Levis 501 jeans I’ve been eyeing dropping in price?
I’m hoping for the perfect intersection of price drop and waistline drop.
I don’t know how to feel about this.
Is there an adult around? I mean, I’m an adult but like an ADULT adult.
Can confirm. Am dwarf, I don’t like holes. I like elves, fellowships and killing orcs. And my ax!
My car just materializes around me when I need it.
It tweaked my interest when the forums said steam works great with it. And it does! Been playing RDR2 on it and my laptop only has the built-in graphics chip.
You’re a better man than I. I just dipped my toes in Arch by going with CachyOS.
Me and Serana are not just in love, we’re involved!
Even if she’ s an ancient vampire.