lol same.
80 fucking euro for the quality of that game is crazy.
lol same.
80 fucking euro for the quality of that game is crazy.
“fine” is subjective, I guess.
To me fine means above 60fps at all times.
I have an “UFO rated” computer on userbenchmark and it’s rarely above 40fps. And the game is not even pretty. Not fine by my standards.
I tried Firefox in like 2016 but it was very slow for some reason.
Is it fast now? Been thinking about securing my privacy lately so I might give it another try.
Im going for as much privacy I can while still maintaining as much functionality as possible.
Anyone having any pointers?
Yes. There is no limit with pre-purchase early access offers I think. Thank god for Steams refund policy. Saved me 100 bucks.
Steam are usually nicer with games that is not officially released yet.
At least I thought so. Refunded after 10 hours on Steam.
Did not feel like a game from 2023. Did not want to pay that much for that quality.
I played 10hrs on Steam then refunded.
I was expecting a 2023 game with 12 years of development and 6 months delay for polish.
I got Fallout 4 (2015) with scifi-skin.
The thing that pissed me off the most:
It’s not as open and “huge scale” as people seem to think it is. It’s kind of “fake open” if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to run that 800m.
Yeah. People have vastly different combinations of hardware and software. Different manufacturers and drivers. So it can be really different.
If they play on pc, I mean.
I seem to unknowingly have built myself a real shit-magnet of a computer. Basically no new game has worked well for me since I built that one.
I had like 20 bad bugs per hour with Cyberpunk on release while my buddy had like one mildly annoying per 5h.
Darktide just didn’t work at all. Kept crashing six months after release, then I gave up.
Etc etc…
I walk by a shelf and it randomly explodes from some physics glitch.
Things forever rolling that should not be rolling, like books.
NPCs just keep sprinting into a wall.
NPCs stuck halfway through the floor, both alive and dead.
Enemies teleporting into mountain, and can shoot me from there.
Creatures not attacking when they should.
Ships clipping into stations.
My character stuck in a pose.
Guns floating.
Nothing game breaking though!
Just immersion-breaking.
Im more concerned about other stuff. Performance. Design choices.
I get 37fps in towns with an “UFO rated” computer on userbenchmark.
The menus are horrible.
And what good does the spaceship do? I just fast travel everywhere. I think I’ve seen the inside of my ship twice i 10hrs.
Story is the most lazily written, generic scifi tropey stuff I’ve seen.
No maps. No clue where shops are.
The game is marketed as huge and open, but in reality it’s all just setpieces with empty planet surfaces. You cannot get into your ship and fly 500m east to your mission marker. If you do that, a new map is loaded and none of your missions are there.
So far I share your opinion. So far…
I shared a link to my google drive with free and available to everyone PDF’s of tabletop roleplaying game supplements and got banned for piracy lmao
2020 I bought my new pc.
I could not even be in the same room when using the stock cooler on my 3900x that I have now.
Had to use a radiator with silentwing fans to get it acceptable.
You have almost the same setup as I do right now.
3900x and a 3080.
Took me four cpu fan switches until I could stand being in the same room. Stock fan, sounded like a drying cabinet. BeQuiet, loud. Noctua, less loud but still loud. Im using a radiator now with silentwing fans and it’s still slightly too loud for my taste (and louder than any Intel I’ve ever had).
Temps seem to be in normal range though.
Have I just had bad luck with my AMD products?
I’ve had four Nvidia GPU/Intel CPU computers with no issues.
I’ve had three AMD GPU/AMD CPU computers and they all have been loud and hot and slightly unstable. A bit cheaper sure, but I rather have a silent and stable experience.
This has made me see amd as the inferior lowbudget crap. But maybe I have just bought from the wrong manufacturer or something.
Im getting old. Feels like the first Avatar movie came out a couple of years ago to me.