Bad title. Biden won’t enforce it because “Given the sheer fact of timing, this Administration recognizes that actions to implement the law simply must fall to the next Administration, which takes office on Monday”. Trump takes office literally the next day, so he’s going to have to enforce it (or not).
Nah, midnight orders are a thing. But the event isn’t on the 20th, it’s on the 19th. The administration could absolutely shut it down.
But Trump will in 3 days, and then his buddy Musk can buy it up.
And better yet China will turn around and weaponize this against us. Forcing companies manufacturing over there to sell off their interest in the manufacturing plants Etc. This s*** can go both ways and everyone’s about to learn the hard way.
China doesn’t care. They have a good life over there. Don’t want to rattle the oligarchy we have here.
Buying assumes a willing seller, and I don’t think ByteDance are willing.
Musk will no doubt try to buy it with stock that devalues like 1923 Papiermarks.
He doesn’t need to, they can just scrape the videos and have fake users post them on his site.
Here is a list of the other 34 countries that have banned it and their reasons why:
Most countries concerned about disinformation campaigns influencing politics, or brainwashing children (probably some adults too)
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That’s not fair. It’s totally banned in at least Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea.
India too iirc
This has been my take ever since this conversation started, I’m not on TikTok because I generally dislike social media and would become dangerously addicted to its format. But as far as propaganda, disinformation, and China snooping on users without access to state secrets it’s no worse than facebook or Twitter or any other social media app.
China snooping shouldn’t even be the first reason it’s banned, only apps actually required for the job should be on government devices. That’s basic OPSec.
Tiktok is worse because Facebook and Twitter cooperate with governments to remove misinformation. As well as allow governments to review their algorithm.
Misinformation is going to exist. What’s bad is when a platform is pushing it intentionally and your government has no power to remove it.
Even small countries like New Zealand were able to work with Facebook to get content removed.
You could argue that Twitter and Facebook are now doing exactly what tiktok is accused of doing but the difference is that the next American president supports them promoting this misinformation.
Let the record show that Facebook reluctantly cooperated with the government because they had to. Just like they reluctantly implemented better network security measures after shit happened because Zuck and Sandberg saw that as an inconvenience. They wanted to innovate their product and by that I mean make money, fucking greedy bastards.
The book An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination by Sheera Frenkel & Cecilia Kang has all the juicy details.
Yes I know they didn’t do it enthusiastically but that’s what happens when you’re under the government. Bytedance has no obligation to do the same.
Which is ironic given that Facebook and YouTube are probably not banned. I would think that those have played a far far bigger role in the rise of the right, vaccination scepticism and general conspiracy theories
Their owned by Westerners so it’s okay.
At least you could say they were held by the balls by Congress. The Zuck did testify multiple times before them regarding media manipulation. But that’s the very least. It didn’t work, though, because Americans were still swayed and not just by social media. Now, they want free range and they want to achieve that by jumping on Trump’s smol pp… again.
Facebook is tightly woven into daily life in a lot of places. And I don’t just mean outside of the united States. Small businesses use it as a home page, or they post menus or events to Instagram. As pathetic as it is they can’t figure out wordpress, it’s still a semi-legitimate use.
Looks like much of the northern hemisphere does not trust TickTok.
Propaganda in action.
There’s a trade war between the US and China, so useful idiots are proud to do the dirty work for their rulers.
Whenever I see someone spreading FUD about tiktok or huawei, I would question them only to be met with “it’s so obvious, I’m not going to tell you the details” or linking to a blog that doesn’t contain any evidence. This happened, without fail, every time.
It really cemented in my mind that most people are just sheep being herded by those smarter and richer than them.
Stupidity is in vogue. It’s cool to be a useful idiot.
Always has been like that I think
Ah, yes. Rule 34 of the TikTok ban.
⁽ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ᵍᵒᵒᵍˡᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ⁾
Here is a list of the other 34 countries
So, I called it Rule 34. It was a joke.
Won’t enforce it when, today and tomorrow?
I understand the “but I like TikTok” crowd, but China bans US companies from operating in China all the time. Why is it all of a sudden a problem when we do it to them?
Facebook had less than a million users in China before it was banned in 2009. It was struggling against domestic platforms like Webo.
TikTok has 150 million active monthly users and is one of the largest social media apps in the US.
Number of users is not a valid argument on this type of debate
The fact that a counter-intelligence campaign has so many users is exactly why it needs to be banned
Where’s the evidence that it’s “counter intelligence” I hear a lot of completely unverified claims that sound like 1950s reds under the bed nationalist hysteria
Misinformation is counter-intelligence, lots of evidence out there, search “TikTok misinformation”
Sorry, I meant disinformation : Disinformation is a form of offensive counterintelligence via deception and neutralization in order to strategically manipulate an audience or create further fractures in existing divisions. Disinformation strategies include leaking, lying, seeding, and smearing.
TikTok doesn’t have any worse misinformation and disinformation issues than YouTube and Facebook. And The latest policy changes in Facebook indicate they’re going to go squarely into misinformation without any fact checking.
Disinformation is an excuse to ban the platform. Zuckerberg has been lobbying Congress for a long time to ban them while pushing his platform to be able to do exactly what he claims they’re doing.
There’s a lot of reasons to hate TikTok, but this disinformation stuff is nothing but red herring to get them banned because they’re competition.
A. Counter-Intelligence is when you are countering intelligence gathering activities.
B. Nobody has released any evidence that TikTok is an intelligence gathering tool.
C. This law is unconstitutional by the plain text of the Constitution. SCOTUS has truly gone over the edge.
I think tiktok should probably be banned, but I think that “it’s ok because the chinese government does it” is a pretty flimsy argument.
Russia and China are waging a war against the west, and we are standing with our pants down, pretending that everything is fine.
TikTok is a drop in the bucket, but we need to stand up and fight back against those who consider us their enemy.
No need to start shooting, but we should at least give Chinese corporations the same obstacles that they give US&EU ones if they want to do business in China:
Trade war*
Tiktok got banned because useful idiots perpetuated FUD that only exists to make rich Americans richer. Let me say this again for those in the back: Tiktok was only banned because the American ruling class wanted the whole pie. If you ever said or believed “national security” or “privacy” concerns without evidence, I’m sorry. You fell for propaganda.
Anyone who doesn’t understand this shouldn’t be taken seriously.
“It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’d been fooled.” - Mark Twain
Anyone who doesn’t understand this shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Idk about that, but the rest sounds highly probable.
I think it’s both. China does benefit from Americans’ attention and The Zuck & Co. are all jumping on the wagon to push out their competitor by raising their hypocritical fingers.
So is the argument now we should act like China? Thought this was America, land of freedom of speech or whatever.
So is the argument now we should act like China?
Unironically, I think most people who are going to Red Note might think so.
It makes a lot of sense from the perspective of the US, but a lot of countries will likely have the same debate about not only TikTok, but american social media sites and their influence on their democracies now. Especially giving the timing. Not only is Xitter known to shrug off EU regulations in actively pushing disinformation campaigns but apparently Facebook and Google are joining in too now. All the while there’s a war happening in Europe right now. The EU could make the wise decision to make the same demands to those companies that the US made towards TikTok. For our own safety.
I would appreciate that, as person living in EU
Same here!
The EU could make the wise decision to make the same demands to those companies that the US made towards TikTok. For our own safety.
I mean, they absolutely should.
Sad how we’re seeing people eager to ban software they don’t use.
It’s the same mentality for those who are cool with banning nicotine but not marijuana. “I don’t like it, so neither should anyone else!”
Unfortunately, I don’t hold you all above these accusations because I’ve routinely seen how immoral and selfish the masses are. John Oliver will describe it best
I think he does a good job at explaining both sides and calling for a root-cause solution, but he’s definitely leaving out an important piece: the data collected by all the US social media companies can’t just be taken by the US government. They need reasonable causes and go through channels where their access should be checked before they can get their hands on the data. The Chinese government, on the other hand, can just compel TikTok to hand over the data they want.
I don’t like the data overreach by all big us tech companies, but at least their data has some safety rails around its usage.
Because the US is supposed to be better than China.
Better at what exactly?
Everything. 'Murican exceptionalism, baby. Fuck yeah!
Fuck yea.
Because US government is weak! Trump will show’em how it is done. If Trump lets Tik Tok to continue to exist then Trump is weak!
He’s got two days left in office, of course he won’t. He’s got more important shit to focus his attention on.
Whether or not this particular ban is enforced is irrelevant. The point was simply to establish the precedent that the government can restrict citizens’ access to social media.
The thing people aren’t getting about this law is it’s extremely broad, with no due process. The definition they use for organizations that are subject to this law could literally include the New York Times. And designating an organization as controlled by a foreign adversary is a declaration by the Secretary of Commerce.
There’s no court, no hearing, no public notice, no juries, and only one judge (the secretary).
The point of taking down TikTok is twofold. One, they have a Boogeyman they can use to push it through. Two, if they can shut down an app with 170 million users then they can shut down anyone. That’s half the country that uses TikTok. If they can do that without protests then they can shut down anyone.
The point of taking down TikTok is twofold. One, they have a Boogeyman they can use to push it through. Two, if they can shut down an app with 170 million users then they can shut down anyone.
They needed a pretense for taking down a social media site in spite of the fact that it’s not violating any existing laws and in spite of widespread opposition to the takedown,and TikTok served both of those purposes.
And now, armed with Supreme Court approval, they can set about barring access to pretty much any site they want, for whatever reason they want, regardless of public opinion.
Yes, yes it can. Ask pornhub
Pornhub is different though, because they could base it in existing laws barring minors from accessing pornography. It didn’t really establish any new precedents, but instead simply expanded enforcement of existing statutes to the internet.
That’s not to say it was a good thing - it just doesn’t pose the same sort of existential threat that this poses.
The difference here is that there are no existing laws that pertain to TikTok, so it’s not justvthe application of existing law to the internet. This is an entirely new power - the authority to simply pass a law decreeing that a particular site is to be banned in the US, entirely regardless of the legal standing of the site or its content, but solely because those with the authority to do so have decided that that’s what they want to do
Pornhub isn’t different. You as an adult and parent should monitor your fucking child, not let the government do it for you because you are a lazy selfish cunt raising a special snowflake piece of shit human who won’t be able to think or do anything themselves when they grow up.
I mean they’re also banning chinese networking hardware, chinese phone manufacturers, chinese software in cars, considering banning chinese drones, potentially banning tencent games, etc etc
I’m feeling pretty confident that the goal here is banning chinese spying considering all the other bans.
No government ever oppresses its citizenry by announcing that they’re setting out to oppress the citizenry.
They always, without exception, do it by first targeting someone the bulk of the populace thinks deserves it, and then only later incrementally expanding their reach.
That’s true, and that’s why so many internet censorship it spying bills are officially to counter pedophiles.
Banning tiktok is clearly controversial though, and I honestly don’t think it’s trying to soften people up to the government banning social media.
That’s true, and that’s why so many internet censorship it spying bills are officially to counter pedophiles.
But that was just an interim strategy, and could never serve their long-term goal, since all it could allow them to do is to institutionalize the authority to censor in cases of activity already deemed criminal.
The difference with the TikTok ban is that neither TikTok nor its users have been accused of any crime. This ban is being enacted in spite of the fact that there’s nothing criminal about the site, and that’s a new power.
I honestly don’t think it’s trying to soften people up to the government banning social media.
I guarantee that that’s exactly what it’s about.
It’s not a coincidence that all of the domestic social media overlords have already lined up to swear their fealty to Trump (and to hand him big piles of money). They know which way the wind is blowing, and they’re ensuring that they don’t get TikToked.
You’re dealing with what is likely restricted intelligence here. The reason people haven’t been backing up claims with proof of interference is because that proof isn’t declassified. It isn’t hard to understand that. Nobody was particularly up in arms about the potential TP Link ban, and that can be fixed with updated firmware.
Additionally, two things can be true at once. It can be true that the government took Meta lobby money in exchange for this ban, and true that Tik Tok is a danger to national security. It would not be the first time the government had their cake and ate it too.
Its being banned because of Zionist lobbying to censor pro Palestinian content. The China spying story is a cover.
US Social media platforms like Meta have been aggressively censoring Palestinian content.
Jonathan Greenblatt. ADL director gave it away last year in a leaked recording when he said “we have a TikTok problem”.
They ban it to protect their companies, china would sell too cheap until all American competitors die out.
Then they should ban that, not pass an extremely broad law as I detail in another comment.
I wouldn’t enforce it on my last day for $100,000,000.00 dollars!
But just go here and sign up to loops anyway and help pass the word!
I’ve tried 3 separate times to sign up for loops. The latest was actually last night. Shit fails every time.
You gotta wait a day for the link to the apk file to install the app. I’m waiting for it patiently.
Odd, because I installed from apk quick and easy. Making an account doesn’t work though.
Because oaths are for chumps, I guess. Looks like Biden finally chose to make use of the unitary executive power the supreme court gave the president. And he used it to do a favor for tiktok. Why am I not surprised.
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