I’m considering pulling the trigger on an X1C but the waste is a huge turn-off. I know there are options for purging to infill or a sacrificial object, but last I heard there’s still a considerable amount of purge/prime. Can someone who’s played with the settings tell me honestly how much progress has been made in reducing waste?
From bambulabs themselves not much. But you can tune the amount of purge between each color manually. For instance going from any color to black requires less purging than going to white.
It’s going to have some filament waste regardless, but there some things you can to reduce the waste.
Have a purge object, check purge to infill setting, explore reducing the purge filament between material changes.
Most importantly print multiples if possible… It purges the same amount whether you are printing one object, or twenty.
It’s a bit overblown IMO. Unless you’re going wild with multi material it’s about the same as any other printer. Sure it purges a little even if you don’t change filament between prints but it’s still such a small amount. I found myself purging a little each time with my Prusa and Enders before too.
If you’re that worried don’t get an ams for multi color printing. Get an ams to reduce waste for automatic spool runout switching.
No direct experience here. A friend has one, he’s quite experienced with printing, so I assume he got it dialled in well. Recently he talked about a small mandaloroan helmet he printed (mostly grey, but black in the parts that really would be a hole). About 10cm high. He had about the same amount of filament in waste as actual print.