Just to simplify the refueling hassle, this is amazing!
I saw the title and became IMMEDIATELY ERRECT and after reading the actualy article I can tell you it WILL last MORE THAN 4 HOURS.
But seriously I was reading the article and thinking “this is good, but it would be better if we could just assign preset route stops to trains that auto update when the preset is chnaged” then bam, they hit me with train groups as if they could read my mind.
LTN is dead. Long live LTN.
Also, looks like the train recolouring mod is going to become a base game feature with the expansion.
Much excite!
I wonder if there will be a way for LTN, or something like it, to further increase the capabilities of trains.
Aslo, from the article I’m still not sure if this will completely replace all of LTN’s features. I think they could be complimentary.