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[…]perpetuating the mantra of “art for art’s sake” isn’t merely irresponsible—it reinforces the status quo of the capitalist class. It echoes an ethos of "apathy for apathy’s sake.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • If we can’t, then we’ve already failed. You mentioned climate change in your response, so you should know that U.S. imperialism is the biggest driving factor in it. And if you know about that, then you probably know that they’ve given us basically until 2030, at the very best, to keep the temperature of the planet from hitting 2 degrees Celsius. Because we’re already at 1.6 degrees Celsius in temperature rise. And I don’t know about you, man, but I don’t want to live in a world where the polar bears and the elephants and the tigers are all extinct, because we didn’t have the nuts to do what needed to be done. I mean, Lenin already told us what needs to be done, but every time we try to do that shit, well, see Fred Hampton… And so I’m just, I don’t know, maybe I’m the crazy one in Omelas.

    I mean, we’re already at the point as a country where the murder of children is acceptable so long as those children meet certain qualifications, like, do they live in Gaza? Are they Muslim? Are they brown? If so, murder away. So we’re already at the place where human life has no intrinsic value.

    What’s disturbing to me is I know this is only going to continue to get worse, and there is absolutely zero chance that things ever get better within my lifetime.

    Every day, I go to the convenience store, and I get an energy drink, or maybe a pack of wraps if I got some weed. And you know what II see? every day, dozens of people. Sometimes they’ll be lined up, getting scratch-off tickets. You know what the odds on those scratch-off tickets are? Not very good. But they play anyway. So that should be our logic. The odds aren’t very good, but we gotta play anyway. Because you can’t fucking win if you don’t play.

  • The settler dream remains the same, 40 acres, a cleared lawn and no people around.

    It is no shock that the number one complaint in our settler state by the proles is that they can no longer afford to own stolen land. Bribe us, they beg, we need our treats!

    I feel uneasy when they speak of these dreams, even among my friends. I do not care to own a home, or land. I do not dream of being a landlord.

    How can one possibly solve this issue? How does one change the hearts and minds of the settler? How do you make them see that the alternative - community, is better than material isolation? I do not know.

  • The illusionary America we are lead to believe exists is dead. The “We beat the nazis and secured freedom for the world” America is dead. This was obstensibly our creation mythos. Our national myth. It was a way to restart the clock, sure our country was built on manifest destiny, ecocide, genocide, etc, but we redeemed ourselves!

    If you’re posting, you’ve long known of this farce. But the average American? It must be like whiplash to be fed stories of how we “beat the nazis” (USSR killed 75% of em) and “stopped the holocaust” (lol they let it continue even after knowing about it). And now see that no, America is a great evil, we have boots on the ground assisting in mass infant-cide.

    The political line must be the dismantling of all settler-states. This is why no current party will deliver us revolution, they all want to be king of shit mountain. We need to clear away the shit, dismantle these settler states entirely. Just as there is no Israel, only Palestine, there is no America, only Turtle Island.