“I ruined my business by supporting Nazis and it’s all your fault!”
tHe mArKeT WiLl ReGuLaTe ItSeLf!
This donkey about to get taught a lesson by nestle. He probably thinks he’s hot shit now but he poked the devil.
I’m surprised they haven’t killed his children already.
Nazi vs Nestle. Always win for us.
let them fight.jpg
Can someone explain to me how you can sue over a business choosing to not spend their advertising dollars on a particular service? I mean Elon specifically told his customers to “fuck off” and now he’s suing them?!? I just don’t understand these petulant little man children being so litigious when they get their feefees hurt.
Sure thing! I found an article that explains it better than I could:
Easy, you pack courts with shills, you eliminate government oversight, and then you do whatever you want.
The actual “easy” part is that you can sue anyone for pretty much anything. Suing is entirely different from winning the case.
Why they think they have a chance of winning is the weirder question, especially when Musk publically told the advertisers to go fuck themselves.
Don’t have to win, just drag the case out, causing both sides to spend fortunes on legal fees. Guess who has the most money.
X has an estimated market cap of $9.4 billion, whereas Nestlé has a market cap of $219 billion. That’s a corporate superpower with no qualms about monopolizing freshwater or bait- & switching breast milk formula from babies. And it’s just one of the companies they’re taking on, with a shitty case to boot. So yeah… if I was Elon I would keep my head down.
Paying a couple of five or six figure sums to continue advertising on X, versus paying millions to fight a protracted legal battle - I know which option the shareholders of those companies will be pushing for.
I hate this timeline so much.
Maybe it’ll turn around after the Bell protests
You mean the Bell Riots that started September 1, 2024? I’m not sure how to tell you this, but that didn’t happen on schedule.
The object of the lawsuit is to get these deep pocketed corporations to settle for millions. If the companies aren’t able to get the suits dismissed, they will settle. They don’t want to get on the wrong side of the current administration and it’s less costly than a years long legal battle.
It’s also a strong signal to future boycotters.
Instead of someone explaining, you could always read the article linked and see for yourself.
You can sue for anything.
Suing companies for not advertising on a platform For Nazis, By Nazis™. 🤡
Hey Elmo, you told the advertisers to “go fuck yourself” in no uncertain terms, even repeating yourself for dramatic effect.
Hey I’ve got an idea Elmo. Go fuck yourself.
He’s levying tithes.
Anyone getting sued by him should just demand a jury trial. No way you’ll get enough Americans to side with musk on anything.
I suppose after he gets done there he will come after people like me who have blocked every musk related business from my network.
Yes, sue literally every company in America, nothing could possibly go wrong.
Lego is based in Denmark and nestle is in Switzerland.
Wait those cunts are Swiss?
I suddenly like the Swiss a tiny bit less.
How dare your company not advertise on my company cause I’m a racist wanna be nazi twat.
Can you please tag this elon, so that our spam filters work?
It’s not practical to censor “x”
Yeah I know. It’s how I got (well forced) to see this story as well. I mean this douchebag is so rage inducing how could you NOT filter him.
What about censoring " x ". That might help filter more posts.
Yeah I had this thought as well. How I would love to be able to create filters based on RegExs.
Something like: (?<!\w)X(?!\w) I think that might work.
This post would require "x " though.
Sounds like it’s time for people to learn regex.
Yeah, like the creator of my app for one.
“^X .*$”
Yeah like x = y, not generic at all 😅Also it won’t censor “bla bla x.”
50 States, 50 Protests, 1day
Feb 5 @ your downtown.
Can you screenshot that or something. I can’t see it without the Facebook account I refuse to have.
I can’t see it either. I’m not on Facebook. Someone found more details by googling it.
The irony of using one fascist billionaires platform to organize against another fascist billionaire and his platform, but also the government.
Organizing on Facebook? Wtaf.