Ah yes, the golden days of yore. It was the simple days of System of a Down, funny Adam Sandler movies, and JNCO jeans. Oh to be back in those halcyon days.
My mom is a therapist in an elementary school and she said all the kids call the 90’s the 1900’s and it’s hilarious. They aren’t wrong, but damn do I feel old. I’m not even old enough to remember living in the 90’s, so I can’t even imagine how old my mom must feel.
I heard the phrase “in the 1900s” to refer to the 90s recently.
I instantly doubled in age.
Last century
Last millennium
Ah yes, the golden days of yore. It was the simple days of System of a Down, funny Adam Sandler movies, and JNCO jeans. Oh to be back in those halcyon days.
When you put it that way suddenly it does feel like a long time ago.
Feels like yesterday to me. Time is flying.
My mom is a therapist in an elementary school and she said all the kids call the 90’s the 1900’s and it’s hilarious. They aren’t wrong, but damn do I feel old. I’m not even old enough to remember living in the 90’s, so I can’t even imagine how old my mom must feel.
“the 1900s” feels like 1900-1909, but “the 20th century” feels like 1995-1999. I wonder why.
“20th Century” makes me think of drums, trumpets, and searchlights.