Trying to be happy via drugs drives home just how non-arbitrary it is.
Drugs give you variation around a set point. Uppers crash you down. Downers make you tense when they wear off. Only real world work can move that set point around which drugs just make you fluctuate.
Psychedelics can absolutely kick that set-point into another universe if you let them. I can’t begin to explain how it works or how it feels, but I have personally have had some very significant life changes since I started using them on a regular basis.
Sure, you can use psychedelics for fun, but in a proper environment they can be a strong driver for extremely healthy mental change.
Real work is an absolute requirement. No argument there. However, a person may need a complete mental rewiring to get to the point where they are willing to move forward. Like myself.
They are being explored for clinical applications like treating depression.
But they don’t treat the depression by simply forcing consciousness upward through the emotional landscape. They facilitate a restructuring of conceptual maps and perceptions, and lots of this is in relation to the world and to others.
The fact that psychedelics can do this, but only tend to when they produce this big restructuring, means it’s the restructuring that does it.
And the happiness often is associated with an improved relationship with the world, an improved approach to life.
I know the relief comes before the new approach manifests, but that doesn’t mean the relief comes before the mental identification and exploration of that new approach.
The person’s karma changes before it manifests into their life. Like, even though you couldn’t measure it with a video camera, the new behavioral program’s been written. The new path has been seen.
So I think psychedelics just further indicate how non-arbitrary happiness is.
Like a person might be happier in their poverty and disease, but that doesn’t mean their life didn’t change. Their life changed because they changed — instead of snapping at their spouse they see it coming and stop to take a breath. That’s a little micro-change they got from seeing themselves and reorganizing their perceptions with psychedelics.
But when they go to family christmas they aren’t going to tell their father-in-law “I stopped snapping at her so much. I was doing it all the time and then I became conscious of it and I do it a lot less”.
That’s a change in the person’s life, which slips past our notice when we conceptualize “what were his circumstances? Did the mood change come from a change in circumstances or some chemical thing?”
If those are the only two categories, taking a heroic dose of shrooms to explore one’s depression and anxiety might seem like it falls under “some chemical thing” being the change that happened.
But if we allow more categories, it’s better to say he changed his karma. It may manifest later in a higher paying job or a new house, but for now it’s only manifest in a change of the amount of tension in the room between him and his wife.
And they absolutely should be. They are amazingly powerful substances that deserve all the study we can afford to give them.
What I find absolutely fascinating is that their abuse potential is extremely low. After a 50ug dose of psilocybin, the last thing I want to do the next day is do it again. It’s not because it was a bad experience, but it’s just how it works. (Also, lightning fast tolerance. Once you saturate your 5HT2A receptors, it takes a while to recover.)
I hate myself, this world, and most people so much that I want to do psychedelics just to kill that side of me and, hopefully, start feeling like I have some sort of power again. I am about to look into buying the spores and growing my own, but I don’t want a shit ton of extra shrooms. I just want to do one heavy dose, let my inner id die, and live my life again.
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Well put
Yep, pretty much any mind altering substance can teach you that. It is one thing to philosophise about it, but another thing entirely to experience it first hand. Can also be experienced through meditation (especially Buddhist jhana meditation), although it’s a skill that takes time to learn.
I did that 10 days vipassana retreat where we meditated for more than 16 hours a day for 10 days. Eventually I got there, but it was very underwhelming, way to much work for too little blis/reward or what you want to call it. Never tried mind altering substances (other than alcohol and marijuana) because I’m too afraid to get hoked and to destroy my life.
Psychedelics won’t hook you. You will be very overwhelmed the first time and you will think about the experience and if it was pleasurable, you will probably be open to doing it again but it’s not an addictive experience unless you want it to be. And even then it will take you a long time to develop an addiction. One hit of LSD or some mushroom chocolates with people you can trust and enjoy being around would should be something everyone tries once. The art of the 60s will definitely have a whole new meaning.
I used to get mushroom tootsie rolls from a friend of mine. They’re kinda fun. I’ve only taken them like 3 or 4 times though, and it’s been a couple years since.
Like you said it’s not really addictive unless you want it to be. Tbh I think the reason I don’t find it addictive at all is that one time I just had a negative trip. Like it wasn’t really bad, but it just didn’t feel right.
Best time I ever had, doing MDMA and listening to “Surrealistic Pillow” by Jefferson Airplane. I didn’t even care that everyone around me was hooking up, I was in it for the jams!
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I still don’t get what this post is saying, and I’m totally sober right now.
“How arbitrary the connection between how you feel and how well things are going,” wtf?
It refers to the fact that feelings are not a reflection of the outside reality, but a reflection of one’s perception of it. According to OP, this is proven by how feelings completely change by simply changing the way the brain perceives reality, via a psycotropic compound, while actual reality remains unchanged.
This is a well known scientific and philosophical fact, that OP has only come to know recently thanks to personal experience with psycotropic drugs
Such epiphany resulted in the shower thought we are commenting.
beep beep, I am not a bot, this action wasn’t performed automatically
Good human
I assume they refer to smoking weed. It can show you the mountain before you is not always high, and that it is not always a mountain.
Sober, you might feel completely different about some specific problem, but with this you can actually take a look at it and deconstruct the problem in peace
It doesn’t really matter what’s happening, with regards to how you’re feeling. You can be going through shit and having a good time, or king of the world and just miserable.
Getting high just increases my anxiety more…it has never made me happy or relaxed me in any way. So this isn’t quite as universal of a statement as you might think.
Getting more anxious arbitrarily when high would also support their statement. They didn’t say that getting less anxious was what indicated a disconnection between feelings and reality
Now this is an actual good argument. I might just have to concede that I’m wrong here in this case then. At least, anecdotally. I don’t know anyone who gets high and is just…the same. Which by your argument is what it would take to falsify OPs claim. Nice catch!
I used to enjoy it, but over time I ended up in a similar boat. Just a huge bust of anxiety, especially socially. But on the other hand, I feel pretty okay in the day to day. I’ve come to see it as a sort of forced introspection - not necessarily revealing anything I don’t already know about, but bringing it all to the surface and forcing the mind to see it. In that respect, it could still be drawing a line between feeling and how things are going.
Not that it makes it necessarily more universal, but I think there’s a grain of truth.
Or you just haven’t found the right drug
I didn’t say every time every person gets high
…you’re really gonna pull that? Order-of-word semantics? I’m simply pointing out that your statement is not universal. And you’re gonna reply with an “I didn’t say that”?
My rebuttal is “Getting high does not reveal for everyone how arbitrary the connection is between how you feel and how well things are going…”
Is that clear enough of a statement for you now?
Whenever I talk about getting anxiety from weed, someone inevitably hits me with the “try a different strain!” as if I haven’t tried to mango strains, oil, vaping, and edibles lawl
One thing that did completely take away my anxiety while getting high is CBD. More CBD than THC in a bowl and I have a great high. Give me straight THC and I’m more than likely not going to have a good time
I have a big vial of pure CBD oil I’ve never used, I should try that.
CBD itself won’t get you high, just get you chill. I enjoy CBD in itself. I use CBD, CBG, and THC everything. I only use a little bit of THC, more of the CBs.
I guess CBD can get you a bit high but it’s not like you’re baked. You know you’ve consumed something. Although, it’s possible CBD in itself will do nothing for you. CBD is best when mixed with other cannabinoids like a small amount of THC or mixed with CBG.
I also want to say that dry herb vaporizers played a big role in my anxiety reduction also. Being able to control the temp to get certain terpenes is great and the high and feeling is a lot smoother. I start off at a low temp and work my way up in one bowl so I slowly get all the effects of it all. Also greatly reduced the amount of bud I was using
Sorry I upset you. Wasn’t being snarky.
What an idiot
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