I call bullshit on this kind of product! This just reminds me too much of the phytoestrogens that ruthless scammers sell on places like Amazon to trick uninformed trans girls into giving them money and believing they receive some medication, when it does nothing whatsoever for them.
The only “phytoestrogens” that actually do something are “phytoestrogens” sold by trusted homebrewers that are labeled that way to avoid seizure at the border.
In order to achieve medical effects, you need proper medication, in this case probably Prolactin. (I’d have to check to make sure, but there are plenty of reports of trans women who succesfully induced lactation medically to feed their kids and had no problem whatsoever after that point.)
It’s naturally meant for someone who is breastfeeding and contains nutrients which would be helpful in that process, though ultimately they are just food, for someone who isn’t breastfeeding the extra ingredients don’t have any effect (it’s not like they’ll cause lactation in males if that’s what you’re wondering).
Me at the grocery store yesterday: “These cookies look delicious! And they’re 90% off!”
Wife: “Those are lactation cookies…”
Me: “I didn’t know that was a thing… They still look good though…”
Lactation cookies ??? What is that ???
Cookies that came from tits ???
Food that contains nutrition, galactagogues, and folk-remedy ingredients to help with (human) milk production. Arguably, they’re just food.
Oh that term is such wasted potential! I thought it was going to be about radical public breastfeeding as a form of protest!
why did they have to take that name for a milk boosting plant and not the name of an elete squad of cyber astronauts or something :/
Because the word for galaxy comes from milk haha
Yeah “milky way galaxy” is a redundant phrase.
I thought it’d be a synagogue for Galactus.
I call bullshit on this kind of product! This just reminds me too much of the phytoestrogens that ruthless scammers sell on places like Amazon to trick uninformed trans girls into giving them money and believing they receive some medication, when it does nothing whatsoever for them.
The only “phytoestrogens” that actually do something are “phytoestrogens” sold by trusted homebrewers that are labeled that way to avoid seizure at the border.
In order to achieve medical effects, you need proper medication, in this case probably Prolactin. (I’d have to check to make sure, but there are plenty of reports of trans women who succesfully induced lactation medically to feed their kids and had no problem whatsoever after that point.)
Ohh…i see

Sad thing it’s not cookies that came from tits (or breast milk)
But at least with that miracle cookies i can make the real lactation cookies
Just your daily reminder that “Goodenough” is a real last name
It’s naturally meant for someone who is breastfeeding and contains nutrients which would be helpful in that process, though ultimately they are just food, for someone who isn’t breastfeeding the extra ingredients don’t have any effect (it’s not like they’ll cause lactation in males if that’s what you’re wondering).
Imagine being able to shoot cookies out your nips. That’d be fuckin’ useful.
I love this meme and usually snortle every time I see it, but the text on this one has me full on giggling. Thanks for cheering me up 🥰
Damn, Silver Tongue is pissed… Actually, that’s probably par for the course.
But did they taste good?